I'm seeing a lot of debates on Facebook and other forums about premium ammo (AKA "Gold Ammo") in World of Tanks. So I thought I'd do a quick post with my thoughts on it.
There are a few exceptions, of course, and for those I do carry the handful of premium ammo. But I don't need it very often.
You'll learn more about the game if you have to learn and hit weakspots. Also it can be expensive (in credits) to spam full gold.
Is it ok to shoot a lot of gold? Sure. Should you? I don't think so. Git gud.
So, here we go.
Is premium ammo "broken" in World of Tanks?
Well..."broken" might be overstating it a bit. I'd like to see them nerf the damage that prem ammo does if they're going to retain the penetration. That way there's a bit more of a decision to make. HE can be max damage with lowest pen, AP can be a balance of damage and pen (like it is now) and premium can be higher pen, but lower damage. Perhaps there can be some exceptions - like HEAT that might still do more damage, but maybe doesn't have great pen.
When they changed it to let people buy premium ammo with silver, instead of gold, it changed the WoT economy quite a bit and I think there are a lot more people who just spam full "gold" now.
One of the problems this new economy has created is that it's a lot harder to do the "Block Damage" missions (see: I Surrender) now. After people bounce a couple of shots off you they tend to dab the 2 key and start shooting prem at you, which is a lot harder to block.
Is it wrong to use premium ammo?
No. It's part of the game, it's not wrong to utilize a mechanic that is part of the game when you need it. If there's a significant difference in pen between the premium and regular ammo I'll carry a few (usually 3-5) premium shells on a tank as part of my standard load out.
Should you use premium ammo?
This is just my opinion, of course, but I think it's kinda lazy to spam full gold all the time. I do ok and I almost never fire gold. There are players like Taugrim who are unicums and never fire prem ammo. Using weak spots and maneuvering you can usually (not always) find a good shot on an enemy tank.
There are a few exceptions, of course, and for those I do carry the handful of premium ammo. But I don't need it very often.
You'll learn more about the game if you have to learn and hit weakspots. Also it can be expensive (in credits) to spam full gold.
Is it ok to shoot a lot of gold? Sure. Should you? I don't think so. Git gud.
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