Snapshot: WOT+

 Let's take a moment to talk about Wargaming's new subscription service called "WOT+".

For $9.95 a month you get a variety of benefits - some of them good, some of them not that exciting. I wasn't going to do it initially, but then a clanmate encouraged me to give it a try. Let's take a look at a couple of the benefits:

The TS-54

If double-barreled heavy tanks are your jam, you might like the TS-54. It's got fairly good accuracy, decent mobility for a heavy, great turret armor, and OK DPM for a Tier 8 premium. Plus it's not a bad crew trainer and it makes credits.

Not a big fan of the double-barrels myself, but it's not bad to play.

The gold reserve

Premium accounts get the Credit Reserve, where all week long you bank up extra credits that get released to you on Monday morning. WOT+ adds a gold reserve to that system.

The thing's not a lot of gold. Most weeks I think I make less than 1000 gold. This week I might not make even 250. Don't be me wrong, it's a nice cherry on top, but don't get WOT+ thinking you're going to be raking in gold hand over fist - you probably won't.

Intensive crew regimen

One of the more intriguing features is also one of the most disappointing. Intensive crew regimen lets you specify a tank crew and that crew is going to slowly grind Crew XP 24x7x365. Even when you're not signed into the game...even if your computer is OFF that crew is slowly getting better and better.

Slowly. Very very slowly. It's 40XP every 5 minutes. I have a crew where my commander is about 80,000 XP away from his next perk. That doesn't sound too bad....but with Intensive Crew Regimen it's going to take about a week for him to get there.

Point is - especially if your crew already has a couple of perks - don't think you're going to turn this on and your crew will be significantly better tomorrow. It probably won't be. But what the heck, it's better than nothing. Barely.

Exclude a 3rd map

This feature is useless to me - the only map I have excluded is Ensk. So didn't really need a 3rd slot. If you like to ban maps though, maybe this is your jam.

The best for equipment demounting

There is one feature, however, that makes the whole thing worthwhile for me: Free Equipment Demounting. You may be wondering why?!? Well...the reason is because over the years I've accumulated a modest collection of bounty equipment. That's the gear that you can upgrade for 3M credits and then it gives you a very nice boost over the standard equipment.

I've traditionally put it on my favorite tanks and just left it there. But now, I use it on ALL of my tanks. How? Thanks to free equipoment demounting, and a mod in Aslain's Modpack called "Automatic Equipment Return." I simple turn on automatic equipment return for a tank, put my bounty kit on it. From then on any time I select that tank it automatically moves that bounty equipment from whatever other tank it as on. Free.


Since I'm just reusing the same few dozen pieces of bounty equipment across every tank in my garage I no longer need most of my standard equipment. That's let me sell millions of credits worth of standard equipment. I no longer have to worry about credits - I have more than 40M credits just sitting there...and a bunch more useless standard equipment I haven't gotten around to selling yet.


Being able to run bounty equipment on every tank, every battle, makes WOT+ worth the $9 a month to me.

How about you?
