Check the event TIMES, not just the date

I made a dumb mistake this week and I'm still kicking myself.

We had the bonus chapter event where you completed 40 Battle Pass chapters to get a new tank. I worked a few Tier 6 tanks for the Tier 6 bonus, played the daily missions, and got up to about 24 chapters done. I had always expected to buy the last set of chapters - just a question of how many I'd have to buy.

I was into the final night and debated buying the chapters then, but figured I'd get up in the morning and try to grind one more day's missions to knock out another chapter or two. Got up at 0515 (more or less as usual) and signed in...

The event is over!

Wait, what!??! 

I went to the article for the event to figure out what happened....the event ended at 0300. I hadn't paid close enough attention to what TIME the event ended. Now I'd missed the end - all that work and didn't get the tank or the top rewards.

Lesson learned.

