Had a game on Erlenberg Defense mode this morning. Tier 10/9 battle. We had a platoon of IS-7s who decided on a sadly too-conventional tactic. They decided to just drive right down the 9 line as a group.
Yep, all the way to K0 then across to the enemy spawn. A platoon of our top tier heavies. In defense mode. This left the middle wide open so the enemy could just drive to our cap.
The problem with this is not that it left the entire middle of the map undefended in defense mode...it's that it worked this time. The enemy team was probably so shocked that nobody was in the middle that they didn't know what to do. They did eventually get to our cap, but they just weren't very good and eventually they died.
But of course since the tactic worked, our IS-7 platoon thinks they're tactical geniuses. That's going to be their standard move every time. And next time maybe it'll be against a team that aren't as surprised, or aren't as bad at the game.
Just because something dumb works once, doesn't make it smart.
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