Need extra credits in World of Tanks? Have a garage sale!

I've been unlocking tanks so fast, with all the boosters, bonuses, x4 weekends, missions, blueprints, that I've now got 260+ tanks in my garage...and I'm constantly running close to empty on credits. to get more credits fast?

Obviously you can have a premium account and play premium tanks. We all know that. If you have a pal that you can get into a static platoon with, that gives you an add'l 15% credit boost. (But only if you're in the platoon BEFORE you enter the battle).

Some of the daily missions give credits. "Damage 5 tanks in a battle for 30,000" and so forth.

But what else can you do to pick up some quick silver?  Have a garage sale!

Get rid of those old modules and shells

First off, if you've been grinding lines and selling tanks that you're finished with the odds are that you have some modules and shells in the depot that you can't use anymore.

Go to the Depot and the very first group on the left-nav is modules and shells to sell. These are modules or shells that you can't use on any of the tanks in your garage; they're from tanks you got rid of. If you've never done this before, and you've been playing a while, you could find millions of credits worth of obsolete gear and ammo here that you can sell. Cha-ching!

Sell off excess consumables

For the most part I only use large repair kits and large first aid kits. I buy them in bulk when they go on sale, plus with missions I often collect some. The other thing you've probably been collecting, maybe without realizing it, are small consumables. The small repair kits, small first aid kits, and manual fire extinguishers. WarGaming gives them out like candy in missions and events.

In the Depot select the second icon down on the left nav ("Stock") and go to the Consumables tab. You may find hundreds, or thousands, of kits that you won't use. Every single one of the small kits is worth 1500 silver. Click on one and hit the Sell button.

Don't want to sell them all?

I do, sometimes, use manual fire extinguishers. But I don't need 1200 of them.  So I'll edit the quantity to sell and just sell off maybe 700 or so. There's a million credits right there.

Paint sale!

Here's one a lot of folks don't know about. You can sell some emblems and other customizations. Go to the Exterior button in the Garage. You'll see the list of camos, paints, emblems and more that you've got. Most of them can't be sold...but some of them can. And you can easily pick up a lot of silver just by selling a bunch of emblems or flags that you've earned over the years and never used.

Pay particular attention to the Custom Style > DecalsCustom Style > Emblems, and Custom Style > Inscriptions. Right-click each one and if it can be sold you'll see the "Sell" option activated.

You can save some time by setting the In Depot filter on the left side (Looks like a garage)

Many of the Preset Styles can be sold too....but I prefer to keep those because I use them as camo on my tanks. 

In 15 minutes or so of clicking around the Depot and the Garage you can pick up millions of credits, without having to sell any tanks, pay any $$$, or even playing a battle.

(Just writing this post I found 2.5M credits laying around my own garage!)

Got another tip for getting creds? Leave it in the comments below.

