AutoLoader: The Auction, The Naughts, and being slow and fast

It's February 20th, 2023, and the Auction is wrapped up. It wasn't every eventful for me - I only bid on two tanks and I put basically minimum bids in on each.

I got the K-2, the Tier 8 Soviet premium HT and can I just say...thank goodness we finally have a premium USSR heavy tank! I'm joking, of course, because we have at least 8 of them in the game.

Anyhow, the K-2 has extremely good armor, and pretty bad gun handling. But I got it for minmum, so not unhappy.

I also put in basically a minimum bid for the T54, the Tier 9 USA premium HT. I was mixed on whether I really wanted it, so I wasn't that disappointed that I didn't get it.

Playing the Naughts

As a tank collector I'm often adding tanks that I don't immediately get a chance to play. This is especially true of Tier Xs that I buy on sale because they're "On Track" or "Top of the Tree" but I'm busy grinding field mods on the lower tiers of that line that I don't always get around to playing the X.

This week I decided to spend the AM session finally getting a few games in some of those tanks I had in the garage, but had never taken out. That list included the T110E5, Foch 155, VZ 55, and the Rhm Panzer.

I haven't taken my Lion out yet either, but I don't have any equipment on it yet so I might wait for the next equipment sale to get it kitted out, then take it for a spin.

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast

Sometimes in this game we find ourselves rushing - whether it's driving or shooting - and when you rush things can go awry. You can run into a rock, miss a big shot that puts you on reload for the next 10 seconds...all sorts of issues.

There are times when I remind myself that it's almost always better to slow down a beat, try to anticipate rather than react (or over-react), and that I may actually get to the position faster, or hit more shots if I just slow down a tiny bit and try to be smooth...rather than trying to be fast.

