World of Tanks Tactics - Hold your horses

Just had a game I wanted to talk about for a was a Tier 9 battle on Ghost Town and it was defense mode. I was in my T-103, Tier 8 Russian TD. There were no light tanks in the game, that's a bit relevant.

From the outset our CS-52C decided to go to the A line, and I did too. But when he got to the A line, he just held down W and YOLO'd over the hill at A4 and down the other side

When he got there he discovered FIVE enemy tanks at A3 climbing the hill. He basically drove right into the middle of them and as you might expect, he was dead in about 10 seconds.

What did he do wrong?

The big thing was not understanding the mode and the strategic objectives. At that point in the game there wasn't any reason to push up to A4. Especially not in a bottom tier medium, alone.

It's defense mode, the enemy has no choice but to push up and over A4 if they're going to play A line (and they do). They can park at A3 all day if they want to, but they'll lose because they have to kill us all or cap the base within 10 minutes.

I see people YOLO to A4 (and/or K4) at the start all the time in defense mode. It's almost always a worthless play, strategically.

He did spot 5 enemy tanks, but...none of us could shoot them on the other side of the hill. 

What could have have done differently?

He could have stopped at A7 where he had a line of sight to the top of the A4 hill but was still possibly safe, and could pull back into the A7 trench for cover. He had me and an ISU-152 behind him to shoot what he spotted.

Instead, he threw away his tank for only marginally useful information and about 1200 damage. Going to A4 DOES have value in the right situations, especially late in the battle. But going there at the beginning is rarely helpful.

Keep in mind what wins the battle and don't YOLO in, especially at the beginning, if there's no real value to what youre going to accomplish. GLHF!
