Where to start when you're getting started in World of Tanks

I used to say start with the Russian heavies, but given that it's Tier 5 before you reach the KV-1 I might suggest doing the American line. 

It's just about as new player friendly and by the time you finish the T6 Medium at Tier IV you have some really good options to branch out on depending on what you enjoy.

The mid-tier USA heavies, MTs, TDs, and LTs are all fairly new player friendly and by the time you're into Tier 7/8 you'll have a better idea of the game and if you actually want to play a different line of tanks.

World of Tanks: USA Tech Tree at the mid-low tiers

I'd recommend going up through the M3 Stuart to the T6 Medium at Tier 4. If by then you've already decided that light tank gameplay is for you then you can slide over to the M5 Stuart and up through the Chaffee. The Chaffee is a very solid, and pretty noob-friendly light tank at Tier 5.

Otherwise the Wolverine is a very friendly TD and the T1 Heavy is a capable heavy at Tier 5.

The mediums take a bit longer to get going but the Easy 8 at Tier 6 is pretty easy to play.

None of them are totally OP, but none of them are quirky either. For learning the game this set of tanks is a pretty good choice and as you get better and more comfortable you can decide what you like and branch off to some of the other nations/lines.

Important - Take your time

Don't be in a rush to get to Tier X. Spend as much time as you need at tiers 4-6 learning the game and getting comfortable.  If you rush to tier 8-10 before you're experienced at the game you're just going to be facing much better players in much better tanks. You'll probably not have much fun, and you'll get abused by teammates who are unfairly mad at you for not being better.

Learn the game at Tier 4-6. Then move up to 7 when you're comfortable. Spend some time at tiers 7 and 8 getting more familiar and improving on the finer points before rushing to Tier 10.

Most players aren't ready for Tiers 9-10 until they have at least 15,000-20,000 battles under their belt.

