Steppes - Encounter

Had an interesting game from the south spawn on Steppes Encounter the other day that underscored how useless the West is in determining the outcome of the game. From the outset about 6 of our tanks went to the cap, the rest went West to the 1/2 line.

The enemy sent most of their team to the West as well, and our group quickly wiped out. We were down 2-8, in fact when...

...we capped it out and won.

I guarantee you that all 11 of the enemy tanks who went West were screaming in chat "DEFEND THE BASE! DEFEND THE BASE!" But none of them defended the base, and we won.

The West on Steppes Encounter is useless. ESPECIALLY in a slow tank. You can go there and fight all you want, but the game is won or lost in the East.
