Tech Tree Showcase: The AMX 13 105 Grind

The AMX 13 105, Tier X French Light tank, is On Track so here's a quick review of the tree (from Tier 5 on).


From legend to lawnmower. The AMX ELC bis was the EBR of its day. Fast, sneaky, great camo. Racing around the map at what, then, was crazy speed. Then came the 9.18 patch and the ELC bis got nerfed into oblivion. The worst of the nerf hammer was the engine - which went from 250HP to 180HP and made the ELC relatively sluggish to accelerate - especially if you were carrying the 90mm gun.

The ELC does have an interesting gun dilemma: You can run the fast firing 75mm or the hard hitting 90mm.

The 90mm has twice the alpha, doesn't allow you to rotate the turret AND it weighs more. So mounting the 90mm turns the ELC into almost a fast(ish) casement TD.

The 75mm, conversely, is lighter and does allow the fully rotating turret.

Most players, I think, will mount the 75mm, though I run mine with the 90mm just because it makes it a bit more unique. 

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AMX 12 t

The 12t starts you down what is, in my opinion, a pretty solid line. The French lights have nice mobility, good camo, ok view range, and fun autoloading guns. If you're good with autoloaders, you'll like these a lot.

The 12t isn't really more mobile than the ELC, but it FEELS more mobile. And with a decent crew you can get more than 36% camo, depending upon how you equip it.

AMX 13 75

Another very competitive tank - the 13 75 is the natural evolution of the AMX 12t. It's a tier 7 but the gun isn't. In fact the top gun on it is the same top gun from the 12t so it's not a big damage dealer. In fact the DPM on this tank is pretty poor, but as a scout it's quite good. Mobility, view range, camo are all good and the autoloader has just enough burst to let you pull off some late game assasinations. 

Bat-Chatillon 12t

The Bat-Chat 12t is a stable choice at Tier 8. It's not the best Tier 8 LT, but it's competitive. You finally get a tier 8 gun, but the DPM is still poor and the accuracy is even a bit worse than the lower tiers.

Mobility is, as with all of them, pretty good. Camo is good, view range is fine. It's a solid scout that is comfortable once you get the hang of it, but not over-powered.

AMX 13 90

Once again, a natural step up at tier 9. The 13 90 plays the same as the rest - good camo, good mobility, decent view range, playable autoloading gun.

The one thing the 13 90 suffers from is that in the current meta you'll almost always be facing an EBR FL 10, EBR 90, or EBR 105 (sometimes more than one) on the other side, and any of those can give you trouble if you get caught out. So you need to play a bit carefully in the early game to avoid getting YOLO'd and killed by a wheelie with Captain America wheels.

AMX 13 105

Finally the 13 105. Before the EBR showed up the 13 105 was on a lot of lists as the best Tier X LT. There are Sheridan fans, and T-100 fans, sure, but as a sporty scout the 13 105 is hard to beat.


The ELC bis is a bit of a special snowflake, because it doesn't have an autoloader and I tend to run mine more like a TD I also equip mine more like a TD with rammer, vents and binocs.

For the AMX 12 t and all the rest in the line I equip them more like conventional LTs with Vents, Optics, V-Stabs. (You can't run rammers on these because they're autoloaders) If you really want to maximize your scout role you could swap the V-stabs for low-noise exhaust to boost your camo.

Crew skills

I run a pretty conventional set of light tank crew skills. I maximize for camo and view range, then the rest. 

Commander gets 6th sense (Obviously) then Situational Awareness. Unfortunately these are small crews and the commander is also the radio operator. After Situational Awareness I will usually reset the whole crew (for gold) and switch their first skill to BIA, and the commander's second skill becomes 6th Sense. For their third skill I'll do either camo or recon, depending on what I feel the tank needs most. The other of those is the 4th skill, then repairs.

Gunner is also a loader. For them it's BIA, camo, snap shot, designated target, and safe stowage. Eventually I'll get to repairs and Deadeye.

Driver only has to drive, so pretty easy to max their skills. BIA, camo, smooth ride, off-road driving and clutch braking. Eventually repairs and controlled impact.

What's your opinion of the AMX 13 105 grind? Share it in the comments below!


