SnapShot: Game economics

 Just a very quick observation about game economics in World of Tanks.

I had a battle the other day in my T32. It was on Fjords, from the West spawn and it was a tier X game. From the outset I wasn't super optimistic - as a bottom tier HT your options can be a bit limited. Plus the enemy team had an AE Phase 1 and a Obj 279e.

Anyhow, I ended up having to brawl the Obj 279e and an Obj 140 basically by myself. That went exactly as you'd expect. But I did manage to do a bit of damage, plus some assisting. Did I do much? No, but under the circumstances I'm not unhappy with what I did.

But here's the thing...I didn't fire a single round of premium and I didn't use any unbought consumables. I had a 50% credit booster going AND I have a premium account. I was in basically a no-win situation in +2 matchmaking and...

...I lost credits.

Happened to me again this morning in the IS-M. Stuck in a Tier X battle where I honestly couldn't do much at all; the IS-M just can't brawl with Bobjects and T110E5s. Didn't fire any gold, actually managed to do a shot of damage, and a tracking shot, stayed alive as long as I could...but ultimately lost credits. 

Kinda sucks that due to MM it can be that hard to even break even on credits. 

Oh well.



  1. It seems daft using a credit boost on tier x instead of using it on your best money making premium tank, no?

    1. Well, the credit booster could help you lose less credits in the Tier X, I suppose. That said, I wasn't using it on a Tier X, I had it running while playing a Tier VIII and I was almost certainly playing both tech tree and premium tanks (I usually do) during that session.

      My point was that without the credit booster I'd have lost even more credits.


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