Snap shot: VZ 55 and Rhm Pzr go On Track

Tomorrow, January 5th, 2023, the new On Track starts and we've got two fresh tank lines to grind. I say they're fresh because they're actually two lines I don't already have completed!

VZ 55

First off the Tier X Czech Heavy Tank the VZ 55. This one is pretty highly regarded in the game these days and much to my surprise I only have the Tier 8 on that line. So tomorrow when the On Track starts I'll be buying the Tier IX TNH T VZ 51 and grinding that a bit. 

I've already used blueprints to unlock the VZ 55 so once I do a little grinding to unlock the VZ 51 modules, I'll be able to buy the VZ 55. The last days of Holiday Ops should help speed that up.

I'll also use the x5 bonuses from the event to grind field mods on the Tier VI, VII, and VIII tanks if I don't already have them.

Rhm Pzr

Sometimes called the "Flipwagon" this German Light Tank is another tank that isn't in my garage yet. I already have the Ru 251 and I unlocked the Rhm Pzr with blueprints so it's just a matter of buying it on sale tomorrow.

What do you think of these two tanks? Do you plan to grind them?

Let us know in the comments below!

