Missing the point on El Halluf in World of Tanks

In pretty much every game on El Halluf fast mediums/TDs (and even HTs occasionally) rush to C2/B3. 

This morning from South spawn I had a team that was no different, 3 of my teamates beat me there and took up the usual spots nestled against the rocks, staring North and waiting.

Well...one thing was different. Apparently all three of them got up to get a snack. Three enemy tanks crossed in the open on the A line and my teammates...didn't do a single shot of damage. In fact, I'm not sure they even fired.

The whole point

The reason to go to those positions is to get early damage and weaken the tanks pushing across to A1 corner. Ideally you can also track them in the gap so your teammates and/or arty can punish them too. Enemies pushing through that gap are giving you easy side-shots and it's hard for them to punish you in return.

By sitting there, tucked against the rock, not shooting, you've completely missed the entire point of going to that position at the outset.

To make it worse, by taking up those spots they basically crowded out other teammates (like me) who WOULD have been taking those shots. I had to manuever into a different position where I didn't have clean shots on the crossers.

Sure enough, full health red tanks pushed around the A1 corner and put us in a fatal cross-fire.

Unsurprisingly this game was a 7-15 loss.

Have a reason

Good players have a reason for the play. They don't just wander around the map hoping a red tank stumbles in front of their gun. Going to C2 in a tank that can get there is a strong play. The reason for the play, though is 1) To get damage on the crossers, and 2) to poke and suppress your counterparts at B3, and 3) Eventually to push down into the dip and pressure them as that flank falls.

To be fair in some circumstances you might want to push into the dip early. Depends a little on what tank you're driving and how the teams deployed. But regardless, going to C2 just to park and stare at the rocks is WHY that battle was a clear loss.

Have a reason for the play, understand how that reason fits into the larger strategic/tactical approach to the battle, and you should win a bit more.

