Autoloader: Fast wins, fast losses, map balance...

 A selection of thoughts on World of Tanks...

Fast Wins and Fast Losses

Loaded into Ghost Town Assault a little while ago in my Iron Arnie. Was top tier in an 8/7/6 battle and decided to go into town and try to brawl some heavies.

Ghost Town assault on World of Tanks

Drove all the way into their cap...and...we capped it out in 2 minutes and 13 seconds. The interesting thing was, I never fired a shot. In fact never even got a red outline. Nobody fired at me. The red team might as well not have even loaded in. 

As it turns out 12 of them went to the flanks, one or two tiptoed around the town, none of them bothered to even challenge our cap.

Kind of a boring win, honestly, other than the novelty of fast-capping in the middle of the map without even getting spotted or shot at.

The lesson - understand the objective. Nobody on the red team seemed to realize that if they don't even challenge the cap that it's a fast loss. Securing the flanks is fine, but that's like locking the windows and leaving the door wide open.

Speaking of leaving doors open for fast losses...

Had another Iron Arnie game this morning that went the opposite way. I was bottom tier in a Tier 10/9/8 battle from North spawn on Empire's Border.

Empire's Border map on World of Tanks
As we drove down to J2 corner, our T57 Heavy sagely advised us "Nobody go middle" (meaning F3). I understood where he was coming from, it's hard to win that fight from North spawn (in fact, hard to win this map from North spawn) however...

...the result from taking his advice was that while we were all brawling at J2, the enemy T54 and Progetto 66 drove right up and over the G4 hill, unopposed and unspotted, came around behind us at the F1 corner and started shooting us in the back. We were in a fatal crossfire and within a minute or so our entire group in the SW was wiped out. The half of the team that went North lost just as fast and the result was a 4-15 loss in about 4 minutes.

The lesson here is that even if you're not going to push, it's best not to leave an obvious flanking route completely open and unmonitored. I suppose I could have flexed back and tried to defend it...but bottom tier in a MT I would have been basically a speed bump. 

Still, I probably should have done that, rather than futilely brawling a T95 Chieftain. 

Is it the most unbalanced map in the game?

I can't remember the last time I had a good game on Mountain Pass south spawn. 
Mountain Pass map on World of Tanks

I'm starting to think maybe I should just go to the H8 hill right from the beginning and save myself some time. Seems like 4 out of 5 games I just end up there trying to get just one more shot of damage before getting overrun in the inevitable 6-15 loss.

They generally have better positions on every flank. 
  • They can push, or hold, the SW corner just as well. 
  • They get better early crossing shots on people going to the SW corner. 
  • Their hill at C3 is actually useful for TDs who can get shots on the bridge as well as down to the SW and occasionally across to the H5 plateau.
  • They don't have a worse situation on the ice road and if the red team controls the bridge at least the ice road force can keep everything in front of them. Unlike South spawn where if the red team owns the bridge you're now in a crossfire from the 5 and 7 lines.
  • They've got cover to use to shoot/control the bridge, and an easier time getting to the aggressive position at E6 than South spawn has getting to the far less useful position at D5.
  • In a last ditch fight, there's defensible soft cover for TDs at A1/B1 to farm people pushing up from ice road. (I've done 2K+ from those spots in an STRV S1 without even being spotted)
Just all the way around North spawn has the advantages and unless the other team are just total muppets they should be able to win it.

Ensk is getting bigger!

One of my biggest complaints in the game (other than the stupid wheelies) is that Ensk is such a tiny postage-stamp of a map. At only 600m on a side it means that unless you have armor you're probably hiding in a corner - otherwise you're spotted and probably getting shot.

Well, after years of me griping about it Wargaming is finally fixing it! A new Ensk map that is the standard 1000m on a side is on the way and I suspect it's going to be MUCH MUCH better.

