The next line to enter the game is reported to be the British dual-gun heavies. According to the tech tree diagram I saw it'll start at Tier 7, and come off the Churchill VII.
This must be Wargaming's idea of a cruel joke. The Church VII is probably the worst heavy tank at Tier 6 in the game. And you face Tier 7 and 8 pretty often.
The Church VII really has few redeeming qualities. It's standard pen on the top gun is 148 which is practically worst in class. You almost have to just spam gold, especially if you're shooting at Tier 7 or 8.
It allegedly has 152mm of armor on the front, but good luck making it work - especially since even other Tier 6s will just shoot you in the face with gold. Seems like 50% of the games I get killed by M6s who just shoot me in the face with APCR without any problems at all. (The rest of the time I get killed by SkorpGs)
Even with Bounty Turbo and Excellent Fuel the P/W is 10.5 and top speed is barely 30. So it's slow, had bad armor, no gun depression, and you have to press 2 if you want to pen even many tier 6s.
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