Serpentine Lootboxes in World of Tanks - Is there a hidden gem?

There are three new tanks in the Serpentine Lootboxes and I was fortunate enough to get all three. Here's my hot take review...

Kpz Erich Konzept I

The one everybody's talking about is the Tier 9 MT, the Kpz EK I.

It's being compared to a Leo PTA and I have to say that feels fair. It's got nice mobility and a pretty good gun. I haven't compared them side-by-side, and I haven't played my PTA much recently, but my impression is that the PTA might be slightly better, but this one is it's a premium so it makes credits and gives you some accelerated crew training.

If you like mobile sniper mediums - and especially if you want to train German MT crews - you'll like this one.

Object Kust

Next is a Soviet Tier 8 TD, the Object Kust.

Best comparison I can make here is to the STRV S1. This is a sniperschnitzel with a siege mode. It hits hard, 550 alpha, but the gun feels much less precise than the STRV S1.

I need to play it a bit more but I was fairly disappointed in the Kust in my first battles. It felt "squishy" and not very accurate for a sniper TD in siege mode. Maybe I'm spoiled by the STRV S1 and its laser gun.

WZ-111 Model 6

This one I didn't even know about until I unexpected got one in the boxes. It's a tier 8 Chinese HT.

I didn't expect much from this one and I was completely delighted when I took it out. Mobility is decent for a heavy tank, and it's a hull-down BEAST. Had a game in it on El Halluf where I blocked 5.6K damage without even thinking about it.

The gun does 360 alpha, which is ok, and the accuracy I find to be better than expected for a Chinese tank. Standard pen is 227 I think, which is ok. Gold is much better.

So far I only have a handful of games in this tank but it's fast becomming one of my favorites.

Did you get any Serpentine box tanks? If so, what do you think of them? Let us know in the comments below.


